Well, we are a few weeks into 2024, an excellent act of self-care is to declutter your space. It’s not only good for your home, but it will also be therapeutic for you.
By now you may have impulse bought some things or dug things out of storage you never got rid of. Clutter itself can be a stressor, and when we are at home staring at it all day, that feeling of stress can elevate.
So, what should you get rid of? If you have some items you’ve been hanging onto throughout the year thinking you’ll use it, and you haven’t yet, it’s probably time to let it go. In 2024 we are cleansing our minds and our spaces.
Where to Start
· Kitchen
o You probably have kitchen items that have been gathering dust and taking up space. That spiralizer you ordered at 3am because you thought you’d make zucchini noodles? If you haven’t touched it in a year, get it out of your life.
· Closet
o Purging clothes is the best way to start getting rid of things. Haven’t worn it in 6 months? Goodbye, old t-shirt!
This is just a starting point. Going through every area of your house and finding one item you don’t use anymore to get rid of should bring you to about 5 items, which is an excellent place to be in for starting the declutter process.
Benefits of Getting Rid of Things
· Concentration
o A clean and decluttered space will help you concentrate. You won’t be thinking about that item taking up a corner or continuing to debate whether to get rid of it or not. Having a space with less stuff in it will help clear your mind and keep you focused.
· Boost Your Mood
o Getting rid of the things you don’t need will help boost your mood. Being in a cluttered space can give you the feeling that you don’t have your life together. If we are going to be stuck at home all the time, we should be in a space that makes us happy and doesn’t cause us to feel bad.
· Letting go of the past
o Clearing out items you don’t need can help you to let go of the past. It’s a new year, and we are moving forward. Getting rid of the things you don’t use can symbolize letting go of the past and allow you to move on with your life. This is an incredible act of self-care.
To sum it up, this week’s self-care to do is getting rid of 5 things you don’t need. Go through each room in your house and get ready to say goodbye to items gathering dust. You’ll be able to focus better, and you’ll free up space for new items, or lighten your load towards a more minimalistic living space.